Waku Guide

The renoun toolkit integrates seamlessly with Waku, adding powerful content generation and documentation tools.

The renoun toolkit enhances Waku by providing features like file system utilities, syntax highlighting, and type documentation, making it easier to create accurate and engaging content for blogs, documentation, and design systems.


To use renoun with Waku, you’ll need a Waku project. If you don’t have a project yet, you can create one using Waku’s npm create waku command:

npm create waku@latest

Now in your Waku project, let’s install renoun:

npm install renoun
pnpm add renoun
bun add renoun
yarn add renoun


Modify the waku scripts located in the package.json file to integrate renoun into your Waku project. This ensures the renoun process starts alongside your Waku server, enabling the full functionality of renoun:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "renoun waku dev",
    "build": "renoun waku build"


Now you can start your Waku server with renoun integrated:

npm run dev

Congratulations, you’ve successfully set up renoun with Waku! You can now query other file system entries or use one of the many components available to enhance your content and documentation.