
API Reference


({ source }: { source: ExportSource<any>; }) => Promise<JSX.Element | null>

Displays type documentation for all types related to a collection export source.



source *


getName *

() => string

The name of the exported source. If the default export name cannot be derived, the file name will be used.

getType *

() => Promise<ReturnType<typeof resolveType>>

The resolved type of the exported source based on the TypeScript type if it exists.

getTitle *

() => string

The name of the exported source formatted as a title.

getDescription *

() => string | undefined

The description of the exported source based on the JSDoc comment if it exists.

getTags *

() => { tagName: string; text?: string; }[] | undefined

The tags of the exported source based on the JSDoc comment if it exists.

getSlug *

() => string

The URL-friendly slug of the export name.

getText *

() => string

A text representation of the exported source if it is statically analyzable.

getValue *

() => Promise<any>

The runtime value of the export loaded from a dynamic import map generated in the .renoun directory at the root of the project. Note, any side-effects in modules of targeted files will be run.

getEnvironment *

() => "server" | "client" | "isomorphic" | "unknown"

The execution environment of the export source.

getPosition *

() => DeclarationPosition

The lines and columns where the export starts and ends.

getSiblings *

() => Promise<[previous?: ExportSource<any>, next?: ExportSource<any>]>

The previous and next export sources within the same file.

isMainExport *

() => boolean

Whether the export is considered the main export of the file based on the name matching the file name or directory name.

getPath *

() => string

The full path to the source formatted to be URL-friendly, taking the collection baseDirectory and basePath configuration into account.

getPathSegments *

() => string[]

An array of path segments to the source excluding the collection basePath if configured.

getEditPath *

() => string

The path to the source on the local filesystem in development and the git repository in production if configured.

Promise<Element | null>