The Documentation Toolkit for React

Meticulously crafted React components and utilities to help you create engaging content and documentation.

Start Writingnpx create-renoun

Easy Setup so You Can Focus on What Matters

Start writing type-safe content and documentation in just a few simple steps.

  1. Collect

    Collect, organize, and validate structured data using powerful file system utilities.

    View Utilities
    import { Directory, withSchema } from 'renoun/file-system'
    import { z } from 'zod'
    export const posts = new Directory({
      path: 'posts',
      include: '*.mdx',
      loaders: {
        mdx: withSchema(
            frontmatter: z.object({
              title: z.string(),
              summary: z.string().optional(),
              tags: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
          (path) => import(`./posts/${path}.mdx`)
      sort: async (a, b) => {
        const aFrontmatter = await a.getExportValue('frontmatter')
        const bFrontmatter = await b.getExportValue('frontmatter')
        return -
  2. Render

    Query and render your file system entries programmatically in your favorite framework.

    Framework Guides
    import { Directory } from 'renoun/file-system'
    const posts = new Directory({ path: 'posts' })
    async function Page({ slug }: { slug: string }) {
      const post = await posts.getFile(slug, 'mdx')
      const Content = await post.getExportValue('default')
      return <Content />
  3. Personalize

    Select from a growing list of pre-built components to tailor your content and documentation to fit your unique needs and brand identity.

    View Components
    import { CodeBlock, Tokens } from 'renoun/components'
    function Page() {
      return (
        <CodeBlock language="tsx">
            <Tokens>const a = 1; const b = 2; a + b;</Tokens>

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